Is the Portable Oxygen Concentrator Good for Day and Night?
Portable oxygen concentrators have two settings for receiving oxygen: pulse dose and continuous flow. The pulse dose mode is usually used for daytime use, as it delivers air via the cannula when you inhale. Concentrators with pulse dose technology also are more compact in design and offer a longer battery life.
The continuous flow mode delivers a constant air flow via the tubes. For people who need oxygen while they sleep, this mode is the best option.

Advantages of Oxygen Concentrators
Both portable and home oxygen concentrators have numerous advantages for those patients needing oxygen therapy. They are much less dangerous than traditional oxygen cylinders, which can, if ruptured or leaking, cause or increase the combustion rate of a fire. Oxygen concentrators, on the other hand, pose no such danger. Home and portable oxygen concentrators that can “make” their own oxygen have become more popular and widely used than old-fashioned oxygen tanks. The other main benefit is the ease and increased ability to be mobile with oxygen. Portable oxygen concentrators provide the necessary oxygen anywhere the user goes, even on airplanes. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has ruled that all passengers who require oxygen must be allowed to bring FAA-approved portable oxygen concentrators on all U.S. aircraft with more than 19 seats. Foreign airlines must also allow portable oxygen concentrators on all flights to and from U.S soil.