Oxygen is an important factor in the wound healing process.
Oxygen is an important factor in the wound healing process. It affects the formation of blood vessels, proliferation of fibroblasts, collagen formation, growth of epithelial cells and the sterilizing ability of white blood cells. A diffusion oxygenator can rapidly increase the partial pressure of blood oxygen and increase the blood oxygen content. In 2 hyperbaric atmospheres, the blood oxygen content can be increased to about 14 times that of normal breathing air. Aerobic metabolism is sufficient and it improves the hypoxia of the ulcerated tissue. ischemia; promotes proliferation of fibroblasts, production of collagen fibers, granulation, epithelial growth and facilitates wound healing.
Reduces tissue edema

Diffusion oxygen generator can make fibroblasts, vascular endothelial cells and epithelial cells in a highly divided and proliferative state, accelerate capillary proliferation, promote the formation of collateral circulation, thus improving their blood circulation and causing a significant reduction in apoptosis after reperfusion of ischemic cells. Thus, it improves local hypoxia, vasospasm and tissue edema after tissue injury, while improving the permeability of capillaries around the trauma, reducing edema and promoting venous reflux.
Dispersion oxygenator manufacturer
Has a certain antibacterial effect, which is beneficial to wound healing
Dispersion oxygen concentrator can enhance the vitality and phagocytosis ability of phagocytes, and has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The higher the partial pressure of oxygen, the stronger the antibacterial effect. Hyperbaric oxygen can improve local circulation and create good conditions for wound healing; diffusion oxygenator therapy can increase oxygen tension in the tissues around the wound enough to heal the ulcer, increase the killing ability of white blood cells, kill anaerobic bacteria and inhibit the production of toxins, thus promoting wound healing.
Diffusion oxygenator therapy promotes myelin repair and neuronal regeneration by regulating various cells and related factors and genes; at the same time, it improves blood circulation to damaged nerves, changes local blood rheology and reduces blood. viscosity reduces the accumulation of white blood cells, thus improving microcirculation and blood perfusion in the injured area, creating good conditions for the affected area. Restoration of damaged nerves.